Classic Style Essence

Scientific discussions of beauty often emphasize the attractiveness of symmetrical faces. So if there’s a style type that scientists seem to have a collective crush on, it might be the Classic, the type known for being highly symmetrical.

Sienna Miller has a lot of the Natural and Classic style essences.

Image source: "MJK34299 Sienna Miller (The Lost City Of Z, Berlinale 2017) (cropped)" by Martin Kraft is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Do Classics look “average”?

Not only are Classics symmetrical, they also tend to have average facial features, and facial averageness is another scientifically-lauded beauty trait.

Calling Classics “average” might sound like an insult, but it doesn’t mean that Classics are only averagely attractive. Instead it means that their faces tend to have features of average sizes and shapes—not especially large or small or angular or curvy.

Further, in scientific studies, researchers sometimes morph many faces together to determine the average location and appearance of the facial features. The resulting morphed face will be highly symmetrical and balanced. Classic faces are also “average” in that their features tend to align with these averaged locations.

The enduring appeal of Classic faces

Not only scientists but also artists and art enthusiasts endorse Classic beauty. People deem certain books, movies, and music “classic” because their appeal transcends time. Similarly, we can covet a facial feature in one decade and condemn that same feature in the next (e.g., super skinny eyebrows), but the appeal of Classic faces, maybe because we have some innate attraction to their symmetry, persists through time.

Critically, while diverse sources endorse Classic beauty, there’s no objective way to show that one type’s beauty surpasses any other’s. And many people widely regarded as beautiful have notable facial asymmetry. Classics possess extreme beauty, but their beauty isn’t objectively superior.

Classic fashion

Classic clothes appear traditional—we could say basic, but these are dressy basics, basics you could wear to an office—and conservative, as in not showy or embellished. As noted, Classic features are also conservative in that they’re not excessively large in size or unusual in shape—there’s moderation.

Because Classics have symmetrical features situated in average, predictable locations, they’re harmonious in clothes with symmetrical cuts and details, such as pockets and buttons, and symmetrical prints. Classic clothes will also appear typical in size, shape, and style. Moderation is key.

The Classic essence may be beautiful in part because it symbolizes moderation and balance. Many of us strive to achieve balance in various aspects of our lives. Classic faces can visually embody the beauty of our aspired balanced state.

Examples of celebrities with a lot of Classic include Sienna Miller, Naomie Harris, Liu Wen, Michelle Rodriguez, Gabrielle Union, and Margot Robbie. Check out my Pinterest boards for more examples.


Why I don’t use the terms “masculine” and “feminine” to define the style essences


Romantic Style Essence