The three Spring subtypes—plus how you inherit your color season
And controversial spring celebrities.
Marilyn Monroe’s Surprising Style Type
How Marilyn's signature pose tricks us into thinking she has only Romantic and Ingenue. Plus thoughts on Scarlett Johansson's real type.
Tightlining: A makeup game-changer for all the style essences?
Tightlining can enhance anyone's look, but the same method doesn't work for every style essence.
Is your face on trend? Style essences in old Hollywood vs. modern Hollywood
How actresses' most common style essences have changed across time.
What to wear for Romantic, Ingenue, and Ethereal
Do purely “yin” faces exist? And what do they wear?
Is Classic your primary style essence? Probably not
More of me being confused by the Classic style essence.
Style staples for the seven essences—plus self-typing tips
The pieces that bring each of the seven essences to life.
Synesthetic style: How music can help you find your best outfits
Why it’s harder to type faces while listening to music. And what if the style essences were music genres.
Which Winter are you? Differentiating the three Winter color seasons
How to distinguish the subtle differences between the three Winter color seasons.
Experiment: can a face be 100% symmetrical and not have the Classic style essence?
Why do so many symmetrical celebrities not have Classic?
How to dress up your most casual style essences
Naturals and Gamines have many more options than Tees and sweats.
Does virtual color analysis work?
Virtual color analysis is accurate and reliable—but only when specific conditions are met.
How more lookalike characters symbolize deeper meaning in movies and TV
The plots wildly differ, but key characters in Mean Girls look surprisingly similar to those in House of the Dragon—is it coincidental or is something deeper occurring?
Dramatic fashion’s powerful aesthetic, and is beauty bias ever ok?
To fulfill the fashion world’s vision, is it necessary for models’ faces to fit narrow beauty standards?
The fashion industry’s obsession with Dramatic beauty biases us all
Why models all have the same bone structure, and how it affects our perception of beauty.